风险评估在任何工作场所相关,然而,在处理易燃或危险物质时,在处理易燃或危险物质时,在这种情况下,这种情况都有程度的不可预测性可能是不够的。这的一个例子是喷射火灾的冲击,火焰的热量可以达到附近的设备,并显着增加Domino效应与灾难性结果的概率。因此,从风险管理的角度来看,这种火灾事故的表征是重要的。一种这样的表征将是火焰中不同辐射区的分割,因此本文提出了有关几种传统计算机视觉和深度学习分割方法来解决此具体问题的探索性研究。还探讨了使用丙烷喷射火灾的数据集丙烷喷射火灾训练和评估不同地区的分布以及寻求缓解数据不平衡的不同丢失功能的分布。此外,不同的指标与专家执行的手动排名相关联,以便对专家的标准密切相关的评估。 Hausdorff距离和调整后的随机索引是具有最高相关性的度量,并且从UNET架构获得了具有加权交叉熵损耗的最佳结果。这些结果可用于未来的研究,以从分割面具中提取更多几何信息,或者甚至可以在其他类型的火灾事故中实施。
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Drug dosing is an important application of AI, which can be formulated as a Reinforcement Learning (RL) problem. In this paper, we identify two major challenges of using RL for drug dosing: delayed and prolonged effects of administering medications, which break the Markov assumption of the RL framework. We focus on prolongedness and define PAE-POMDP (Prolonged Action Effect-Partially Observable Markov Decision Process), a subclass of POMDPs in which the Markov assumption does not hold specifically due to prolonged effects of actions. Motivated by the pharmacology literature, we propose a simple and effective approach to converting drug dosing PAE-POMDPs into MDPs, enabling the use of the existing RL algorithms to solve such problems. We validate the proposed approach on a toy task, and a challenging glucose control task, for which we devise a clinically-inspired reward function. Our results demonstrate that: (1) the proposed method to restore the Markov assumption leads to significant improvements over a vanilla baseline; (2) the approach is competitive with recurrent policies which may inherently capture the prolonged effect of actions; (3) it is remarkably more time and memory efficient than the recurrent baseline and hence more suitable for real-time dosing control systems; and (4) it exhibits favorable qualitative behavior in our policy analysis.
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Sunquakes are seismic emissions visible on the solar surface, associated with some solar flares. Although discovered in 1998, they have only recently become a more commonly detected phenomenon. Despite the availability of several manual detection guidelines, to our knowledge, the astrophysical data produced for sunquakes is new to the field of Machine Learning. Detecting sunquakes is a daunting task for human operators and this work aims to ease and, if possible, to improve their detection. Thus, we introduce a dataset constructed from acoustic egression-power maps of solar active regions obtained for Solar Cycles 23 and 24 using the holography method. We then present a pedagogical approach to the application of machine learning representation methods for sunquake detection using AutoEncoders, Contrastive Learning, Object Detection and recurrent techniques, which we enhance by introducing several custom domain-specific data augmentation transformations. We address the main challenges of the automated sunquake detection task, namely the very high noise patterns in and outside the active region shadow and the extreme class imbalance given by the limited number of frames that present sunquake signatures. With our trained models, we find temporal and spatial locations of peculiar acoustic emission and qualitatively associate them to eruptive and high energy emission. While noting that these models are still in a prototype stage and there is much room for improvement in metrics and bias levels, we hypothesize that their agreement on example use cases has the potential to enable detection of weak solar acoustic manifestations.
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Contrastive learning has emerged as a competitive pretraining method for object detection. Despite this progress, there has been minimal investigation into the robustness of contrastively pretrained detectors when faced with domain shifts. To address this gap, we conduct an empirical study of contrastive learning and out-of-domain object detection, studying how contrastive view design affects robustness. In particular, we perform a case study of the detection-focused pretext task Instance Localization (InsLoc) and propose strategies to augment views and enhance robustness in appearance-shifted and context-shifted scenarios. Amongst these strategies, we propose changes to cropping such as altering the percentage used, adding IoU constraints, and integrating saliency based object priors. We also explore the addition of shortcut-reducing augmentations such as Poisson blending, texture flattening, and elastic deformation. We benchmark these strategies on abstract, weather, and context domain shifts and illustrate robust ways to combine them, in both pretraining on single-object and multi-object image datasets. Overall, our results and insights show how to ensure robustness through the choice of views in contrastive learning.
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消费品的生产,运输,使用和处置对温室气体排放和资源耗竭有重大影响。机器学习(ML)可以通过考虑产品搜索或现代零售平台建议中的可持续性方面来帮助促进可持续消耗模式。但是,缺乏具有可信赖的可持续性信息的大型高质量公共产品数据阻碍了ML技术的发展,这可以帮助实现我们的可持续性目标。在这里,我们介绍GreendB,这是一个数据库,该数据库每周从欧洲在线商店收集产品。作为产品可持续性的代理,它依赖于由专家评估的可持续性标签。 GreendB模式扩展了著名的schema.org产品定义,并且可以轻松地集成到现有的产品目录中。我们提出了初步结果,表明接受我们数据训练的ML模型可以可靠地(F1分数96%)预测产品的可持续性标签。这些贡献可以帮助补充现有的电子商务体验,并最终鼓励用户采取更可持续的消费模式。
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